Using video as part of a communication strategy can increase the emotional value of company messaging or enhance a learning experience. It can also optimize company communication to talk directly to customers, partners and staff.

With Media-TV it’s easy and efficient to get started with web TV. Media-TV is a fully integrated web TV solution completely based on an open source software, with no licensing problem.

With our web Tv, communicating with video on the internet becomes easy and cost effective.

With the help of an intuitive web-based content management system, it is possible to upload your video and embed it on your site. The interface provides extensive statistics and a full suite of management tools.

:. Video Content management service
:. Upload, transcoding, management, publishing
:. Comprehensive analytical features for assessing video usage and download
:. Podcast support
:. Video portal page with a wide variety of graphic options

For more information, please watch this demonstration video.